it was 96 kilometers from Perry to medford. David raced to Medford and idled back.If the round trip took 8 hours what was his average speed in kilometers per hour

so his total distance was 192 km and his total time was 8 hrs

Average speed = 192/8 = 24 km/h

To find David's average speed in kilometers per hour, we can divide the total distance traveled (round trip) by the total time taken.

Let's calculate the total distance first:
Round trip distance = Distance from Perry to Medford + Distance from Medford back to Perry
Round trip distance = 96 kilometers + 96 kilometers
Round trip distance = 192 kilometers

Now, let's calculate the average speed:
Average speed = Total distance / Total time

Given, the total time taken is 8 hours.

Average speed = 192 kilometers / 8 hours
Average speed = 24 kilometers per hour

Therefore, David's average speed was 24 kilometers per hour.

To find David's average speed in kilometers per hour, we need to calculate the total distance traveled and divide it by the total time taken.

Step 1: Calculate the distance of the round trip.
Since David traveled from Perry to Medford and then idled back to Perry, the total distance traveled can be calculated by doubling the one-way distance.
Total Distance = 2 * Distance from Perry to Medford

Given that it was 96 kilometers from Perry to Medford:
Total Distance = 2 * 96 km

Step 2: Calculate the average speed.
Average Speed = Total Distance / Total Time

Given that the round trip took 8 hours:
Average Speed = (2 * 96 km) / 8 hours

Now we can solve the equation to get the average speed in kilometers per hour:
Average Speed = 192 km / 8 hours

Average Speed = 24 km/h

Therefore, David's average speed was 24 kilometers per hour.