For a project I need to answer these questions:

What is eugenics and how is it linked to Darwin’s theory of evolution?

Why did the Scopes Monkey Trial occur?

I have tried researching but I cannot find a good website anywhere. I tried Wikipedia, but it wasn't helpful. Do you have any suggestions?

"Definition of EUGENICS

: a science that deals with the improvement (as by control of human mating) of hereditary qualities of a race or breed"

Darwin showed that animals mated with other animals that had the best chance to survive. They passed their successful traits on to their offspring.

This led some people, called social darwinists, to believe that people could improve the success of individual humans by controlling human mating.

John Scopes was a teacher in Tennessee. He broke a state law that forbade teaching about evolution.

Eugenics is not related to evolution. Evolution is the fact that all living things change over long periods of time.

When researching specific topics, it can sometimes be challenging to find the right sources. However, there are several strategies you can try to find reliable information for your project.

1. Utilize Academic Databases: Websites such as JSTOR, Google Scholar, and ResearchGate are excellent resources for finding scholarly articles, papers, and books written by experts in various fields. These platforms often require a subscription or access through educational institutions. If you don't have access, you can try your local library or university library to see if they provide access to these databases.

2. Government Websites: Government websites, such as those of scientific agencies, educational institutions, or specific departments related to your research topic, often contain reliable information. For example, websites of universities or government health departments may have valuable resources related to eugenics or Darwin's theory of evolution.

3. Online Libraries: Digital libraries like the Internet Archive ( provide access to a vast collection of books, magazines, and articles that are in the public domain. You can search using relevant keywords to find resources that might help answer your questions.

4. Scholarly Journals: Many journals in various fields publish articles related to specific topics. You can try searching for journals that focus on genetics, evolution, anthropology, or history of science, as they may have articles regarding eugenics and its connection to Darwin's theory.

5. Reputable Organizations: Consider exploring websites of reputable organizations like museums, scientific societies, or research institutes. These organizations often publish educational content and may offer explanations or articles that can provide insight into your research questions.

Remember to critically evaluate your sources by checking their credibility, peer-review processes, and the authority of the authors. Now, let's briefly answer your project questions:

1. Eugenics refers to the study and practice of improving the genetic quality of the human population. It is linked to Darwin's theory of evolution through the concept of "natural selection." Eugenicists believed that by controlling human reproduction and promoting selective breeding, they could enhance the genetic composition of society.

2. The Scopes Monkey Trial took place in 1925 and was also known as the State of Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes. It occurred because John Scopes, a high school science teacher, intentionally violated a Tennessee law that forbade teaching human evolution in public schools. The trial was a significant legal and cultural event, highlighting the conflict between teaching evolution and religious ideas of creationism.

I hope these explanations help you with your project!