Identify the type of subordinate clause in the following sentence.

The guy who ran out of the clinic is running late.


A noun clause can be a subject, predicate nominative or an object.

An adjective clause modifies a noun or pronoun.

An adverb clause modifies a verb, adjective or other adverb.

What do you think this subordinate clause is?

To identify the type of subordinate clause in the sentence, "The guy who ran out of the clinic is running late," you need to understand the function of the clause within the sentence.

In this sentence, the subordinate clause is "who ran out of the clinic." It provides additional information about "the guy," which means it is modifying the noun "guy."

Therefore, the type of subordinate clause in the sentence is an adjective clause. It functions as an adjective because it describes or modifies the noun "guy" by providing more information about the guy.