economic summary report (plus income & expense report and balance sheet both with all appropriate ratios) presenting the economic viability of the Lemonade Stand Business.

To create an economic summary report for a Lemonade Stand Business, you would need to include an income and expense report, a balance sheet, and relevant financial ratios. Here's a step-by-step explanation of how you can generate such a report:

1. Gather financial data: Collect all relevant financial information for the Lemonade Stand Business, including income, expenses, assets, and liabilities. This can be obtained from accounting records, bank statements, and sales receipts.

2. Income and Expense Report: Prepare an income and expense report, also known as an income statement or profit and loss statement. This report shows the revenue generated from selling lemonade, as well as the expenses incurred to operate the business. Calculate the net income by subtracting total expenses from total revenue.

3. Balance Sheet: Create a balance sheet to provide an overview of your business's financial position at a specific point in time. It consists of three sections: assets, liabilities, and owner's equity. List all the assets (such as cash, inventory, and equipment), liabilities (such as loans or accounts payable), and equity (such as owner's investment or retained earnings). The balance sheet should always balance, meaning that assets equal liabilities plus equity.

4. Financial Ratios: Calculate and include relevant financial ratios to assess the economic viability of the business. Here are a few key ratios you can consider:

- Profit Margin: Divide net income by total revenue to measure the company's profitability.
- Gross Margin: Divide gross profit by total revenue to assess the profitability of your lemonade sales.
- Return on Assets (ROA): Divide net income by total assets to measure the company's efficiency in generating profits from its assets.
- Current Ratio: Divide current assets by current liabilities to evaluate the company's ability to meet short-term obligations.
- Debt-to-Equity Ratio: Divide total debt by total equity to assess the level of financial leverage and risk carried by the business.

Remember to customize the ratios to fit the specific needs and goals of your lemonade stand business.

5. Report Presentation: Compile all the gathered information into a comprehensive economic summary report. Begin with an introduction to the business, outlining its objectives and key details. Then, present the income and expense report, followed by the balance sheet and the financial ratios. Provide additional explanations, annotations, or charts to enhance understanding.

By following these steps, you will be able to generate an economic summary report for your Lemonade Stand Business, complete with an income and expense report, a balance sheet, and relevant financial ratios to evaluate the business's economic viability.