Which of the values is in the solution set for the inequality

It is multiple choice
I did this: -8-7x>6
add 8 to each side
since it is less then -2 should the answer be c=-3
The way they ask the question I am not sure if the answer is b or c

- 8 - 7 x > 6 Add 8 to both sides

- 8 - 7 x + 8 > 6 + 8

- 7 x > 14 Divide both sides by - 7



When you multiply or divide inequality by a negative number you must change the direction of the inequality.

- 7 x / 7 < 14 / - 7

x < - 2

I did change the direction of the inequality.

I got the same answer you had as shown above, but the way the question is asked
when asking the value , I may be interperting the question wrong but if it is saying x<-2
wouldn't the answer be c= -3 since they are just asking for a value and not
the inequality answer.
CONFUsed about how it is written but knew how to do the actual work

To determine which value is in the solution set for the inequality -8-7x > 6, you correctly performed the steps to solve the inequality.

You started with -8-7x > 6 and added 8 to each side to isolate the variable:
-8 + 8 - 7x > 6 + 8
-7x > 14

Next, you divided both sides of the inequality by -7, but it seems that you made an error in your calculation. When dividing by a negative number, the inequality sign should flip:
-7x / -7 < 14 / -7
x < -2

So, the correct solution to the inequality is x < -2. Among the given choices, only option c) -3 satisfies this condition. Therefore, the correct answer is c) -3.