how do you the square root of 25 and 36 ?

What value multiplied by itself will give you 25? 36?

To calculate the square root of a number, you can use a calculator or perform the calculation manually.

If you want to calculate the square root of 25, you can simply take the square root of the number. The square root of 25 is 5, because 5 multiplied by itself (5 x 5) equals 25.

Similarly, to find the square root of 36, you can again take the square root of the number. The square root of 36 is 6, because 6 multiplied by itself (6 x 6) equals 36.

To manually calculate the square root of a number without using a calculator, you can follow various methods such as the long division method, the prime factorization method, or the Babylonian method. These manual methods may involve more steps and are suitable for more complex numbers.

However, for simple numbers like 25 and 36, using a calculator or remembering the basic square roots will be the easiest way to find the answer.