the office hires an employee who's deaf, but who can lip read. what will the employer have to do in terms of this employee's job duties to comply with the americans with disabilities act?

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To comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for an employee who is deaf but can lip-read, the employer may need to make certain accommodations in the workplace. Here are some steps the employer should consider:

1. Discuss the employee's needs: Engage in an interactive process with the employee to identify any necessary accommodations. The employer should hold a private conversation to understand how the employee communicates and what specific accommodations they require.

2. Provide effective communication: The employer must ensure effective communication with the deaf employee. While lip-reading may be the employee's primary means of communication, it might not always be sufficient. The employer may need to provide additional forms of communication support, such as sign language interpreters, written notes, or assistive technologies like captioned telephones.

3. Modify job duties: Review the employee's job duties and assess if any modifications are necessary due to their disability. Make sure the job tasks are still achievable, considering their communication needs. Adjustments might include written work instructions, visual aids, or using email or instant messaging for written communication.

4. Engage in reasonable accommodations: The employer should make reasonable accommodations, which are adjustments that don't cause significant difficulty or expense for the business. These accommodations should be tailored to meet the specific needs of the deaf employee, ensuring they can perform their job effectively without discrimination.

5. Train employees on inclusive practices: It's essential to educate colleagues about inclusive practices and disability awareness. Provide training to foster understanding and promote communication etiquette, ensuring a positive and respectful work environment for everyone.

Remember, the specifics of ADA compliance may vary depending on the circumstances and the employee's individual needs. It's advisable to consult with legal professionals or disability experts to ensure full adherence to the ADA guidelines.