at the beginning of the summer, conan had $180 in the bank. each week he deposits another $64 that he earns mowing lawns. is his account balance proportional to the number of week since he started mowing lawns?

no, because the initial 180 gets in the way.

The amount added is proportional, but not the whole amount.

It isn't proportional.

I had the same question :|

To determine if Conan's account balance is proportional to the number of weeks since he started mowing lawns, we need to evaluate the pattern of his deposits.

Conan starts with $180 in his bank account at the beginning of the summer. We can represent this value as week 0.

Every week, Conan deposits $64 that he earns from mowing lawns. We can represent this pattern as follows:

Week 0: Balance = $180
Week 1: Balance = $180 + $64 = $244
Week 2: Balance = $244 + $64 = $308
Week 3: Balance = $308 + $64 = $372
Week n: Balance = $180 + $64n

Based on this pattern, Conan's account balance is directly proportional to the number of weeks since he started mowing lawns. Each week, he adds $64 to his account, and the balance increases accordingly.

Its not because he already had money in his account