A plane on a search mission flew east from an airport, turned, and flew west back to the airport. The plane crised at 300km/h when flying east, and 400km/h when flying west. The plane was in the air for 7 hours. How far from the airport did the plane travel?

Vi = 300km/h, East.

V2 = 400km/h,West.

X hours,East.
(7-X) hours,West.

De = Dw.
300x = 400(7-x)
300x = 2800-400x
300x+400x = 2800
700x = 2800
X = 4 h,East.

De = V*t = 300km/h * 4h = 1200 km =
Dist. travel from airport.

Let's break down the information given and calculate the distance traveled by the plane.

1. The plane cruised at a speed of 300 km/h when flying east.
2. The plane cruised at a speed of 400 km/h when flying west.
3. The total flying time was 7 hours.

Since the plane flew in opposite directions and then returned to the airport, the total distance traveled is the sum of the distances flown in each direction.

Let's calculate the time spent flying in each direction:

Let t be the time (in hours) the plane flew east.
Then 7 - t is the time (in hours) the plane flew west.

We can use the formula: distance = speed × time.

For the distance traveled east:
Distance east = 300 km/h × t

For the distance traveled west:
Distance west = 400 km/h × (7 - t)

The total distance traveled by the plane is the sum of the distance traveled in each direction:

Total distance = Distance east + Distance west
Total distance = 300 km/h × t + 400 km/h × (7 - t)

To find the value of t, we can set up an equation and solve for it:

300t + 400(7 - t) = Total distance

Simplifying the equation, we have:

300t + 2800 - 400t = Total distance
-100t + 2800 = Total distance
-100t = Total distance - 2800
t = (Total distance - 2800) / -100

Now we can plug in the given values to find the total distance traveled by the plane.

If you provide the total distance, I can calculate it for you.

To find out how far the plane traveled from the airport, we need to break down the problem into smaller steps.

Let's assume that the time the plane flew east is 'x' hours. Since the total flying time is 7 hours, the time the plane flew west can be calculated as (7 - x) hours.

Now, let's calculate the distance traveled when flying east. The distance is given by the formula: distance = speed × time. So, the distance traveled when flying east is 300 km/h multiplied by 'x' hours, which gives us 300x km.

Similarly, the distance traveled when flying west is 400 km/h multiplied by (7 - x) hours, giving us 400(7-x) km.

To find the total distance traveled, we need to add the distances traveled when flying east and west: 300x km + 400(7-x) km.

Now, let's simplify this expression:

300x + 400(7-x) = 300x + 2800 - 400x
= -100x + 2800

Since we know that the total distance traveled is 0 (as the plane ended up back at the airport), we can set -100x + 2800 = 0.

Solving for 'x':

-100x + 2800 = 0
-100x = -2800
x = -2800 / -100
x = 28

Since time cannot be negative, we discard this result and look for another one. However, there's no other solution within the given context of the problem.

Therefore, it is not possible for the plane to have traveled away from the airport and also returned to it in 7 hours, as the speeds and times mentioned in the problem do not allow for a valid solution.