Discuss the responsibilities a parent has to volunteer parents when these parents are invited to participate in learning activities. Include five responsibilities in your discussion and give an example of each.

"Discuss the responsibilities a parent has to . . ."

Do you mean the responsibilities a TEACHER has?

What do you think these responsibilities are?

Yes i meant teacher

dont interupt while the parent and child is interacting

greet the parent appropriately

explain what you want the parent to do

cleary explain the leasson

dats all i no

"plzzzzz" and "dats all i no"

Oh, my goodness. I hope you're not studying to become a teacher. Students and parents need the best role models possible, and that includes spelling!!

I know how to spell I am jus rushing

Please and that's all I know

I know how to spell I am just rushing

Leasson- lesson

Is that better for you

Does that mean that you can make spelling and punctuation errors if you're in a hurry when you're communicating with other professionals, parents, and students?

I haven't read your text, but common sense says to thank the parent warmly when they're finished with their volunteer duties.

Are y'all trying to bring me down

No, we're trying to tell you that teachers need to use as-close-to-perfect English as possible ... all the time. Your English (grammar, spelling, etc.) needs to be excellent so that your students learn what is right, not just what the current fad is.

If you allow yourself to use those nearly unreadable abbreviations when you're "just rushing," then it'll be more difficult for you to shift into more formal English when you need to. It's just easier and better to use excellent English all the time.

When parents are invited to participate in learning activities as volunteers, they play an important role in supporting their child's education. Their involvement can greatly benefit the educational experience of both their own child and the class as a whole. Here are five responsibilities that parents have when volunteering for such activities, along with examples to illustrate each:

1. Being prepared and committed: Parents should be prepared and committed to fulfilling their volunteer responsibilities. They should attend any orientation sessions or training provided by the school to understand the expectations and guidelines. For example, if parents are volunteering for a reading activity, they should familiarize themselves with the books and strategies being used.

2. Respecting confidentiality: Parents must respect the confidentiality of the students and any information they might have access to during their role as volunteers. For instance, if parents are involved in small group discussions, they must not share any personal information or opinions outside the classroom.

3. Following instructions and guidelines: Parents should carefully follow the instructions and guidelines provided by the teacher or organizer to ensure they effectively contribute to the activity. For example, if parents are assisting with a science experiment, they should strictly adhere to the step-by-step instructions given to them.

4. Being supportive and inclusive: Parents should create a supportive and inclusive environment during their involvement in learning activities. They should encourage and celebrate all students while ensuring no student feels left out or excluded. An example could be parents helping organize a multicultural event, where they actively involve all students and celebrate their diverse backgrounds.

5. Communicating effectively: Effective communication is crucial when working alongside other parents, teachers, and students during volunteer activities. Parents should be respectful, open-minded, and clear in their communication with others. For instance, if parents are collaborating on a group project, they should actively listen to others' thoughts and ensure their own ideas are expressed clearly.

It's important to note that these responsibilities may vary depending on the specific learning activity and the expectations set by the school or teacher. Overall, parents have a vital role to play in volunteering for learning activities, and by fulfilling these responsibilities, they can greatly contribute to their child's educational journey.