A small pizza is of diameter 14 cm and a medium pizza 28 cm.

Is a medium pizza twice as large as a small pizza? Use calculations to support your answer.
A medium pizza is cut into 3 equal parts, and each part is sold for $15. A small pizza is sold for $12. Which is a better buy? Use calculations to support you answer.

Small pizza:

A = pi * r^2
A = 3.14 * 7^2
A = 3.14 * 49
A = 153.86 square centimeters

What is the area of the medium pizza?

To determine if a medium pizza is twice as large as a small pizza, we need to compare their areas. The area of a circle can be calculated using the formula:

Area = π * (radius)^2

Given that the diameter of the small pizza is 14 cm, we can calculate the radius as half of the diameter, which is 7 cm. Therefore, the area of the small pizza is:

Area of small pizza = π * (7 cm)^2 = 22/7 * 7 cm * 7 cm = 154 cm^2

For the medium pizza, its diameter is 28 cm, so the radius would be 14 cm. Thus, the area of the medium pizza is:

Area of medium pizza = π * (14 cm)^2 = 22/7 * 14 cm * 14 cm = 616 cm^2

Comparing the two areas:

Area of medium pizza / Area of small pizza = 616 cm^2 / 154 cm^2 = 4

Therefore, the medium pizza is not twice as large as the small pizza, but rather four times as large.

Now, let's compare the pricing to determine which pizza is a better buy. If a medium pizza is cut into three equal parts, each part costs $15, meaning the entire medium pizza would cost $15 * 3 = $45.

On the other hand, a small pizza costs $12.

Comparing the costs:

Cost of medium pizza / Cost of small pizza = $45 / $12 = 3.75

Since the cost of the medium pizza is 3.75 times larger than the small pizza, the small pizza is the better buy in terms of price.