Read the following passage from “The Medicine Bag.”

But after they left, Mom said, “No more visitors for a while, Martin. Grandpa won’t admit it, but his strength hasn’t returned. He likes having company, but it tires him”

That evening, Grandpa called me to his room before he went to sleep. “Tomorrow,” he said, “when you come home, it will be time to give you the medicine bag.”

What does the information in his passage help you to predict? (1 point)Grandpa is going to die soon.
In Grandpa’s eyes, Martin has become a man.
Martin is embarrassed about receiving the bag.
The family will turn away the visitors who arrive the next day

Based on the given passage, the information helps you to predict that in Grandpa's eyes, Martin has become a man. This is suggested by Grandpa's statement about giving Martin the medicine bag, which is often a symbol of passing on ancestral wisdom and responsibility to the next generation.

I can see two possible answers -- depending upon the rest of the story.

What do you think the best answer is?