A shopkeeper marks his goods in such a way that after allowing a discount of 25% on the marked price

, he still makes a profit of 50%. find the ratio of the C.P. to the M.P.

Not properly explained ๐Ÿ‘Ž

Answer for question -

Discount = 25% on the marked price.

Profit = 50%.

โˆด According to the question,

To find the ratio of the cost price (C.P.) to the marked price (M.P.), we need to analyze the given information.

Let's assume the marked price (M.P.) of the goods is 'X'.

It is mentioned that after allowing a discount of 25% on the M.P., the shopkeeper still makes a profit of 50%. This means he sells the goods at a price that is 50% higher than the cost price (C.P.).

To calculate the selling price (S.P.) after giving a 25% discount, we can use the formula:

S.P. = M.P. - (25% of M.P.)

S.P. = X - 0.25X

S.P. = 0.75X

Since the shopkeeper makes a profit of 50%, the selling price is 50% greater than the C.P.:

S.P. = C.P. + (50% of C.P.)

S.P. = C.P. + 0.5C.P.

S.P. = 1.5C.P.

From the above equations, we can say that:

0.75X = 1.5C.P.

Dividing both sides by 1.5, we get:

X/2 = C.P.

Therefore, the ratio of the C.P. to the M.P. is 1:2.

.75mp = cp*1.50

cp/mp = .75/1.5 = 0.50 = 1/2

Answer:for your question

Step-by-step explanation

Marked price M

Cost price C

Selling price = (75/100)*M

Selling price=(150/100)*C


C:M= 1:2