Total goals is 253, how many did each top player score. Erin scored the least. Macy 4 times as many as Erin. Carly scored 2 less than Macy. Shelly scored one half as many goals as Carly. Molly scored 1more than Macy.


check back on your earlier post of this

To determine how many goals each top player scored, we can follow the given information and use algebraic expressions to represent the number of goals.

Let's assign variables to represent the number of goals scored by each player:
Erin = E
Macy = 4E (Macy scored 4 times as many as Erin)
Carly = 4E - 2 (Carly scored 2 less than Macy)
Shelly = (4E - 2) / 2 (Shelly scored one-half as many goals as Carly)
Molly = 4E + 1 (Molly scored 1 more than Macy)

We know that the total number of goals is 253, so we can set up an equation with all the players' goals:
E + 4E + (4E - 2) + ((4E - 2) / 2) + (4E + 1) = 253

Simplifying the equation:
16E - 1 + (4E - 2)/2 = 253
Multiplying through by 2 to remove the fraction:
32E - 2 + 4E - 2 = 506
Combining like terms:
36E - 4 = 506
Adding 4 to both sides of the equation:
36E = 510
Dividing both sides by 36:
E ≈ 14.17

Since the number of goals cannot be a decimal, it is likely there was a mistake in the problem statement or the calculations.

However, if we assume that there were 14 goals scored by the least scoring player (Erin), we can calculate the number of goals for each player:

Erin: E = 14
Macy: 4E = 4 * 14 = 56
Carly: 4E - 2 = 4 * 14 - 2 = 56 - 2 = 54
Shelly: (4E - 2) / 2 = (54) / 2 = 27
Molly: 4E + 1 = 4 * 14 + 1 = 56 + 1 = 57

So, if Erin scored the least with 14 goals, the total number of goals scored by each top player would be:
Erin = 14
Macy = 56
Carly = 54
Shelly = 27
Molly = 57