True or False: If an agebraic expression calls for Y=8, that means that you will use the number 8 to replace the letter Y in order to solve the expression?


except that expressions are evaluated; equations are solved.

True. When an algebraic expression calls for substituting a specific value for a variable, such as Y=8, it means that you will replace the letter Y with the number 8 in order to simplify or solve the expression. Let me explain how to do it step by step:

1. Start with the given algebraic expression. For example, let's say we have the expression "2Y + 5".

2. Identify the variable that needs to be replaced. In this case, it is Y.

3. Substitute the given value for the variable. Replace Y with 8 in our example. So, the expression becomes "2 * 8 + 5".

4. Perform any necessary calculations to simplify the expression. In this case, multiply 2 by 8, and then add 5. This gives us "16 + 5".

5. Finally, compute the result to obtain the final answer. The result of "16 + 5" is 21.

Therefore, when Y=8, the value of the expression "2Y + 5" is 21.