In 1993, 90 houses were built. in 1997, 102 more houses were built. find the average rate of change in the number of new homes built. express the result in terms of new houses built per year.

a. 1/3
b. 102/90
c. 3/1
d. 5/2

could you explain it too? i don't really get how to set it up.

change in number of houses built / change in time

= 12/4 = 3 houses per year

I suppose 3/1 would match that.

oh, i got it now thanks

To find the average rate of change in the number of new homes built, we need to calculate the change in the number of houses built and then divide it by the time period.

First, let's calculate the change in the number of houses built. In 1993, 90 houses were built, and in 1997, 102 more houses were built. To get the change, we subtract the initial number from the final number:

Change in number of houses = Final number - Initial number
= 102 - 90
= 12

Now, let's calculate the time period. The time between 1993 and 1997 is 4 years.

Average rate of change = Change in number of houses / Time period
= 12 houses / 4 years
= 3 houses per year

So, the average rate of change in the number of new homes built is 3 houses per year.

Looking at the options:
a. 1/3 - This option doesn't match our result.
b. 102/90 - This option doesn't match our result.
c. 3/1 - This option matches our result, as 3 houses per year is the average rate of change we calculated.
d. 5/2 - This option doesn't match our result.

Therefore, the answer is c. 3/1, which represents an average rate of change of 3 houses per year.