jenny opened a new loaf of bread to make a sandwiches for her friends. She needed 8 slices out of the 20 slices in the loaf. What percent of the loaf did she use?

8/20 = 2/5

Percent: 40%

To find the percentage of the loaf that Jenny used, we need to divide the number of slices she used by the total number of slices in the loaf and then multiply by 100.

Step 1: Calculate the percentage
Jenny used 8 slices out of the 20 slices in the loaf.
Percentage = (Number of slices used / Total number of slices) x 100
Percentage = (8 / 20) x 100

Step 2: Simplify the fraction
8 divided by 20 equals 0.4, and multiplying by 100 gives us 40.

Step 3: Interpret the answer
Therefore, Jenny used 40% of the loaf.