Triangle XYZ has vertices X(-5,3), and Z(7,-6). Find the coordinates of vertex X after the triangle is dialated using a scale factor of 4


To find the coordinates of vertex X after the triangle is dilated using a scale factor of 4, we need to multiply both the x-coordinate and the y-coordinate of X by the scale factor.

Given that the scale factor is 4, we will multiply the x-coordinate of X by 4 and the y-coordinate of X by 4.

The original coordinates of vertex X are X(-5,3).

Multiplying the x-coordinate, -5, by 4, we get: -5 * 4 = -20.

Multiplying the y-coordinate, 3, by 4, we get: 3 * 4 = 12.

Therefore, the coordinates of vertex X after the triangle is dilated using a scale factor of 4 are X(-20,12).