How is an inequality different from an equation? Give a real-world scenario in which you would write an inequality rather than an equation.

I don't know how to solve this or what the answer is. Please help!

You said:
Denise has $50 and wants to buy two new shirts. She needs to know how the average price she'll need to pay so that she doesn't exceed her $50.

2n < 50

^^^^^^^^^^^^Is 2n < 50 the only step?

2n < 50

n < 50/2

n < 25

She can't pay more than $25 for each shirt.


No, there are few steps to solving this problem. Let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Define the variables:
In this scenario, let's assume that the average price Denise needs to pay for each shirt is represented by the variable 'n.'

Step 2: Set up the inequality:
Denise wants to make sure that the total amount she spends on two shirts does not exceed $50. To express this as an inequality, we can use the concept of an average: The sum of the prices of two shirts divided by 2 should be less than $50.
So, the inequality is:
(2n)/2 < 50

Step 3: Simplify the inequality:
Dividing (2n)/2 gives us just 'n':
n < 50

So, the correct inequality to represent the scenario is:
n < 50

To summarize, the inequality 'n < 50' means that the average price Denise needs to pay for each shirt should be less than $50 to ensure that the total cost of buying two shirts does not exceed her $50 budget.