in my math book i got a question that said order these number from least to greatest 0.09,3/25,8,0.1. My answer is 0.1,8,0.09,3/25 am i correct. Thanks.

8 must be the largest since the others are less than 1.

0.09 must be the smallest; it's less than 0.1.

Please try again.

i got 0.09,.126,0.1, and 8 am i correct

Where did you get 126?

To order the numbers from least to greatest, you need to compare them to one another and determine their relative sizes.

Let's start by comparing the first two numbers, 0.09 and 3/25. To compare these two numbers, it's helpful to convert 3/25 into decimal form. To do this, divide 3 by 25, which gives you 0.12. So now we have three numbers: 0.09, 0.12, and 8.

Next, let's compare 0.12 (equivalent to 3/25) to 0.1. Since 0.1 is smaller than 0.12, the correct order so far is 0.09, 0.1, 0.12, and 8.

Finally, we compare 0.1 to 8. Since 8 is much larger than 0.1, the final order is 0.09, 0.1, 0.12, and 8.

Therefore, your answer of 0.1, 8, 0.09, 3/25 is incorrect. The correct order is 0.09, 0.1, 0.12, and 8.