Evaluate the following expression.

(Note, I'm not sure how to write this in mathematical form)but the P is slightly raised above both numbers.

210 P 1 = ______


You have 210 objects taken 1 at a time

To evaluate the expression 210 P 1, we need to understand what the "P" symbol represents. Without a clear definition or context given for the symbol, it is difficult to provide a specific answer.

However, if we assume that the "P" symbol represents some kind of operation or function, we can make an educated guess. One possibility is that "P" represents the power or exponentiation operation (usually denoted as "^" or by placing the exponent in superscript).

In this case, the expression 210 P 1 would mean raising 210 to the power of 1. Raising a number to the power of 1 simply gives us the number itself. Therefore, we can evaluate the expression as:

210 P 1 = 210

Again, this interpretation is based on the assumption that "P" represents exponentiation or a similar mathematical operation. If "P" represents something else, please provide additional information or context so we can provide a more accurate answer.