If 20% of a number is equal to 3x, then the number is. Please help thank you

3x/.20 = 15x

To find the number, we can set up a proportion using the information given. Let's represent the number with the variable "n."

According to the problem, 20% of the number is equal to 3x. "Of" in math usually means multiplication, so we can express 20% of the number as (20/100) * n.

Setting up the proportion:
(20/100) * n = 3x

Now, let's solve for "n" by isolating it on one side of the equation.

To eliminate the fraction, we can multiply both sides of the equation by 100:
(20/100) * 100 * n = 3x * 100
20n = 300x

Next, we need to solve for "n" by dividing both sides of the equation by 20:
(20n)/20 = (300x)/20
n = 15x

Therefore, the number, represented by "n," is equal to 15 times "x" (n = 15x).