1. The ability to acquire food on a regular basis meant that humans?

A)had less control over their environment.
B)could give up their nomadic way of life and live in settled communities.
C)could use animals as pets.
D)could use fire to cook their food.

2. How did Judaism differ from other religions of ancient times?
A)It taught that there was one God for all peoples.
B)It taught that only the priests had access to divine will.
C)It taught that the Hebrew king was part god.
D)It taught that reincarnation led to the end of suffering.

3. In ancient India, the Untouchables were the?
A)priests, considered sacred beings.
B)warriors, considered invincible in battle.
C)peasants, one-fifth of the population.
D)lowest level of society, not considered human.

4. Filial piety refers to the duty of?
A)family members to subordinate their needs to the male head.
B)parents to subordinate their needs to their educated children.
C)Hindus to accept their position in the social order.
D)Israelites to follow the Ten Commandments.

My Answers: B, A, D, B

I agree with 1, 2, and 3.

Re-think #4.

so 4 is A?

Right. Usually, this means the sons and daughters subordinating their wishes/needs to the head of the family (their father, normally), but it's not hard to expand the meaning to A.

alright. thanks :)

You're welcome!

1. To get the answer to this question, you need to understand the context of human development and civilization. The ability to acquire food on a regular basis refers to the development of agriculture, which allowed humans to grow crops and raise livestock rather than relying solely on hunting and gathering. With a stable food supply, humans could settle in one place and form settled communities. Therefore, the correct answer is B) could give up their nomadic way of life and live in settled communities.

2. To answer this question, you need to know about the key beliefs and practices of Judaism and compare them to other religions of ancient times. Judaism taught that there was one God for all peoples, and this monotheistic belief set it apart from other religions that often had multiple gods or focused on specific deities. Therefore, the correct answer is A) It taught that there was one God for all peoples.

3. This question requires knowledge about the caste system in ancient India. The Untouchables were the lowest level of society and were not considered fully human by the higher castes. They faced severe discrimination and were restricted to performing menial and ritually impure tasks. Therefore, the correct answer is D) lowest level of society, not considered human.

4. To answer this question, you need to be familiar with the concept of filial piety, which is an important value in many Asian cultures. Filial piety refers to the duty of family members, especially children, to respect, obey, and care for their parents and elders. It emphasizes the importance of family relationships and the hierarchy within the family. Therefore, the correct answer is A) family members to subordinate their needs to the male head.

Your Answers: B, A, D, B
Based on the explanations provided, your answers are partially correct. The correct answers are B, A, D, A. The correct answer for question 4 is A) family members to subordinate their needs to the male head. Well done on getting most of the questions correct!