answer in proper paragraph of 10-12 sentences

What was the system of government called that was in place before the revolution? describe who were involved. Give some examples of what their occupations were. which types of people were for this type of government and which were against it and why?

please help me and thanks :)

These will help you write your paragraph.

oops i fogot to say that it was the french revolution not the american one ... sorry that was my fault.

Before the revolution, the system of government in place was known as the monarchy. Monarchy is a form of government in which a single individual, usually a king or a queen, holds ultimate power and authority over a country or state. In this system, the ruler inherits the position through hereditary means, typically being a member of a royal family. The monarchy involved various individuals, including the reigning monarch, the royal family, and the nobility.

The monarch, often referred to as the king or queen, held the highest authority and made decisions regarding governance, laws, and policies. They were typically supported by the nobility, who were noble families with inherited titles and privileges. The nobility played a crucial role in advising the monarch and holding positions of power within the government.

Examples of occupations within the monarchy included the king or queen, who held executive power, and members of the royal family who represented the ruling lineage. The nobility included titles such as dukes, earls, barons, and other noble ranks. Their occupations varied, but they often held positions as military commanders, politicians, landowners, or courtiers.

Support for the monarchy was divided among different groups of people. Those in favor of the monarchy were typically the monarch themselves, the royal family, and the nobility. They believed that the monarchy provided stability, continuity, and a sense of national identity. They viewed the king or queen as the embodiment of the nation and respected the hereditary succession as a way to maintain order.

On the other hand, those against the monarchy consisted of various factions, including intellectuals, commoners, and revolutionaries who sought more democratic or egalitarian systems of government. They argued that hereditary rule resulted in inequality, limited political participation, and the potential for abuse of power. They believed that governance should be based on merit and that the people should have a voice in decision-making.

Overall, the system of monarchy had both supporters and critics. Supporters were often those with vested interests in maintaining the status quo, such as the ruling elite, while critics advocated for more inclusive, participatory systems of government. The conflicts and tensions between these differing perspectives ultimately laid the groundwork for revolutions and the transition to democracy in many countries around the world.