Why was the Fordney-McCumber Tariff of 1922 a BAD thing for the U.S. Economy?

There seems to so many and I would like to know the most important ones.

Which bad effects are you considering? If you list them here, I'll help you decide the most important.

I am so sorry that it is 2015 and no one has answered you.

I do not know and I have the same question.

The Fordney-McCumber Tariff of 1922 was a piece of legislation passed by the United States government aimed at protecting American industries from foreign competition by imposing high tariffs on imported goods. This tariff had several negative impacts on the U.S. economy, which I will explain.

1. Retaliation from other countries: The Fordney-McCumber Tariff raised tariffs on a wide range of imported goods to historically high levels, which provoked a retaliatory response from other countries. This led to a decrease in U.S. exports, as other nations imposed their own tariffs on American products. The decline in international trade limited economic growth and harmed American businesses that relied on exporting goods.

To find this information, you can review historical documents, speeches, and economic analyses from the period, such as records from the U.S. Congressional debates, economic studies, or books specifically focusing on the Fordney-McCumber Tariff and its effects.

2. Reduced market access: The high tariffs restricted foreign countries' access to the American market, resulting in reduced competition. This allowed domestic industries to become less efficient, as they faced less pressure to innovate and improve products to compete on a global scale. In the long term, this hindered the growth and dynamism of American industries.

To research this aspect, you can look for economic studies, articles, or books that analyze the impacts of protectionist policies and barriers to trade on domestic industries and economic growth.

3. Increased consumer prices: The Fordney-McCumber Tariff raised the costs of imported goods, making them more expensive for American consumers. This reduced consumer purchasing power and lowered the standard of living for many Americans. Moreover, it encouraged domestic industries to increase prices since they faced less competition, further burdening consumers.

To understand this effect, you can consult economic studies on consumer price levels during the period, historical accounts, or scholarly analyses on the consequences of tariffs on consumer welfare.

4. Economic isolationism: The Fordney-McCumber Tariff reflected a broader movement of economic isolationism that emerged after World War I. By imposing high trade barriers, it hindered the interconnectedness of the global economy. This isolationist policy limited the benefits of free trade, such as access to new markets, specialization, and the flow of investment, potentially missing out on economic opportunities.

To explore this concept, you can examine historical accounts of the time, speeches, essays, or scholarly works discussing the motivations and consequences of economic isolationism during the 1920s.

To gain a comprehensive understanding of the negative impacts of the Fordney-McCumber Tariff on the U.S. economy, I recommend exploring a wide range of reliable sources, including economic analyses, historical records, and expert opinions.