if you had to give queen Elizabeth the first a grade on the enlightenment principles what grade would you give and why?

I think I would give her a B bc for the most part she was a very big influence on the enlightenment era and she enabled quite a bit for us today. she changed the way ppl ruled and she had a very great deal of self control and heart.

How did she influence this era?

How do we benefit from her today?
What changes did she make in the ways people ruled?
How do you know she had great deal of self control and heart?

the way she ruled. we have equality. she didn't like to kill ppl. her chasteness and her empathy.

To give Queen Elizabeth I a grade on Enlightenment principles, we need to understand what these principles are and evaluate her actions and policies accordingly.

The Enlightenment was an intellectual and cultural movement that emerged in the 17th and 18th centuries in Europe. It emphasized reason, science, individualism, and the rights of individuals. Some key principles associated with the Enlightenment include religious tolerance, freedom of speech, intellectual progress, and the separation of powers.

Analyzing Queen Elizabeth I's reign, we can give her a grade based on how well she upheld these principles:

1. Religious Tolerance: During her reign, Queen Elizabeth I established religious stability in England by promoting the moderate Protestant Church of England. Although she suppressed Catholicism, she provided some level of religious tolerance by allowing Catholics to practice privately. However, her policies were still restrictive, and full religious liberty was not granted.

2. Freedom of Speech: Queen Elizabeth I maintained strict control over the press and censored publications that criticized her rule. Dissent was not tolerated, and people were under surveillance. This limited freedom of speech and expression.

3. Intellectual Progress: Queen Elizabeth I was a patron of the arts and sciences, supporting prominent English playwrights and poets such as William Shakespeare. However, her support was more focused on the arts rather than scientific advancements, which were not emphasized during her reign.

4. Separation of Powers: Queen Elizabeth I ruled as an absolute monarch and concentrated power in her hands. While she balanced the power of nobility and consulted advisors, she did not establish a system of checks and balances or distribute power among different branches of government.

Based on these evaluations, we can give Queen Elizabeth I a grade of B for her adherence to Enlightenment principles. She deserves credit for contributing to intellectual and artistic progress, fostering cultural achievements during her reign, and maintaining relative religious tolerance compared to her predecessors. However, her restrictions on freedom of speech and her absolute rule prevent her from receiving a higher grade.