Thank you so much!

Because you helped me with the articles my performence in class was pretty good.
I just have to train my pronunciation.
So just thanks a lot.

You're very welcome! This is wonderful news!!


Yeah it was really cool, I just had known everything. ;)

And what I don't know so well, I tried to explain and my teacher helped a little.
Now I just have to practise my speaking skills. :)

You're welcome! I'm glad I could help you with the articles and that your performance in class improved. Improving pronunciation can be a great next step towards becoming even more confident in English. Here are a few tips to help you train your pronunciation:

1. Listen and imitate: Find native English speakers, either through conversations, podcasts, or videos, and try to imitate their pronunciation. Pay attention to intonation, stress, and rhythm.

2. Practice with tongue twisters: Tongue twisters are a great way to practice pronunciation and improve clarity. Start with simple ones, and gradually move on to more challenging ones.

3. Record yourself: Use a recording device or a speech-to-text app to record yourself speaking in English. Listen to the recordings and compare them to native speakers. Identify areas where you need improvement and keep practicing.

4. Focus on specific sounds: English has certain sounds that might be challenging for non-native speakers. Identify these sounds that give you trouble and concentrate on practicing them. Repeat words, phrases, or sentences that contain those sounds.

5. Speak slowly and enunciate: Make a conscious effort to slow down your speech and enunciate each word clearly. This will not only help improve your pronunciation but also your overall communication skills.

6. Get feedback: Find a language partner or a language teacher who can provide feedback on your pronunciation. They can point out specific areas of improvement and offer guidance on how to correct them.

Remember, consistent practice is key when it comes to improving pronunciation. Don't be afraid to make mistakes and keep practicing regularly. Good luck with your pronunciation training!