A cyclopropane-oxygen mixture is used as an anesthetic. If the partial pressure of cyclopropane in the mixture is 334 mmHg and the partial pressure of the oxygen is 1.02 atm, what is the total pressure of the mixture in torr? ?

Convert 1.02 atm to torr. atm x 760 = torr.

Ptotal = pO2 + pcyclopropane

To find the total pressure of the mixture, we need to convert the partial pressures of cyclopropane and oxygen into the same units and then add them together.

Partial pressure of cyclopropane (Pcyclopropane) = 334 mmHg
Partial pressure of oxygen (Poxygen) = 1.02 atm

To convert the partial pressure of oxygen from atm to mmHg, we use the following conversion factor:

1 atm = 760 mmHg

So, we can convert the partial pressure of oxygen as follows:

Poxygen = 1.02 atm * 760 mmHg/atm = 775.2 mmHg

Now, we have both partial pressures in mmHg. To find the total pressure, we simply add them together:

Total pressure = Pcyclopropane + Poxygen
Total pressure = 334 mmHg + 775.2 mmHg

Total pressure = 1109.2 mmHg

Therefore, the total pressure of the mixture is 1109.2 mmHg.