I have difficulty restating my thesis in a different way in my conclusion.

my thesis: Ruby's sense of responsibility becomes her weaknesses as it makes her blind to the fact that her decision to stay with a man that maltreats her is wrong. For this, she develops a habit of smoking which leads to her downfall.
i have tried to restate this thesis but it didn't work.
pls help.

Well, first off, I don't think that's a thesis statement. It's all factual (what happened in the story, right?), with no insight or opinion of your own.

Read up on thesis statements and conclusions:




Try again.


Restating your thesis in a different way can be a challenging task, but it is essential to effectively conclude your essay. Here is a guide to help you restate your thesis in a different manner:

1. Identify the core elements of your thesis: Begin by pinpointing the main components of your thesis statement. In your case, the key elements are "Ruby's sense of responsibility becoming her weaknesses" and "her decision to stay with a man that maltreats her," resulting in her downfall due to smoking.

2. Analyze the main idea: Explore the central theme or message conveyed by your thesis. In this case, it delves into the consequences of Ruby's sense of responsibility, how it blinds her to her abusive relationship, and ultimately leads to her downfall through smoking.

3. Consider alternative phrasing: Try to rephrase each element of your thesis separately, so they can be combined into a new statement. For example:

- Restate the first part of your thesis: Instead of mentioning Ruby's sense of responsibility, you could emphasize her unwavering loyalty or commitment to others. For instance, "Ruby's unwavering loyalty becomes her downfall as it blinds her to the harm inflicted by the abusive relationship she remains entangled in."

- Restate the second part of your thesis: Likewise, you can rephrase Ruby's decision to stay with an abusive partner by focusing on her inability to recognize the toxicity of the relationship. For instance, "Blinded by her loyalty, Ruby fails to acknowledge the toxicity of her relationship, leading to her tragic downfall."

- Combine the restatements: Finally, combine the revised versions of each element to create a restated thesis that conveys the same idea in a different way. For example, "Ruby's unwavering loyalty to others ultimately becomes her tragic flaw, preventing her from recognizing the toxic nature of her relationship and ultimately leading to her downfall."

Remember that restating a thesis is an opportunity to add new insights or broaden the scope of your original argument. Feel free to incorporate any additional information or reflections in your conclusion to enhance your overall message.