What were the various ways in which Progressives reformed society in the following areas:

voters' rights: 16th and 17th amendment

big business: sherman anit-trust act

public works: !?!?!?!

woman rights: less corrupt + morally superior

education: john deney (teach and reflects democratic ideals)

am i correct (PLEASE be honest!) and i need help on public works

Yes, you're correct. Under Education, the man's name was John DEWEY.

Public works: "The work of building such things as roads, schools, and reservoirs, carried out by the government for the community."



You're welcome. :-)

You are mostly correct in identifying some of the ways in which Progressives reformed society in different areas. However, there are some areas where your answers could use some clarification:

1. Voters' rights: You mentioned the 16th and 17th Amendments as reforms related to voters' rights. The 16th Amendment, ratified in 1913, established the federal income tax, which allowed the government a new source of revenue and led to more progressive tax policies. The 17th Amendment, also ratified in 1913, changed the way senators were elected, allowing for direct election by the people rather than by state legislatures. While both of these amendments were important reforms, they are not directly related to voters' rights, which mainly refer to the expansion of suffrage and protections for voters.

2. Big business: You correctly identified the Sherman Antitrust Act as a reform related to big business. The Sherman Antitrust Act, passed in 1890, aimed to prevent the formation of monopolies and ensure fair competition in the marketplace. It gave the government powers to break up and regulate large corporations that were engaged in anti-competitive practices.

3. Public works: Public works projects were important to Progressive Era reforms as they aimed to improve the economy, provide jobs, and enhance public welfare. Some notable examples of such projects include the construction of public infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, parks, and schools; the development of sanitation and public health programs; and the creation of public utilities like water and electricity systems. These initiatives were often carried out at both the federal and local levels, and they played a significant role in societal reforms during the Progressive Era.

4. Women's rights: Your statement about women's rights being connected to less corruption and moral superiority seems to be a broad generalization. The Progressive Era did see some advancements in women's rights, particularly in terms of suffrage. The efforts of suffragettes and women's organizations eventually led to the ratification of the 19th Amendment in 1920, which granted women the right to vote. Women were also involved in various social and political reforms, advocating for issues like labor and workplace reform, child welfare, and prohibition.

5. Education: I couldn't find any information about someone named "John Deney" related to education reforms in the Progressive Era. However, one influential figure in the era's educational reform was John Dewey, a philosopher and educator. Dewey emphasized the importance of hands-on learning, critical thinking, and the integration of education with democratic ideals, promoting the idea that education should prepare individuals to be active and informed citizens.

To better understand public works in the Progressive Era, you can look into specific projects and initiatives that were undertaken during that time. These might include urban renewal projects, the development of public transportation systems, the improvement of sanitation and housing conditions, and the establishment of parks and recreational facilities. The goal of public works initiatives was to enhance the lives of ordinary citizens and create a more equitable and healthy environment for all.