which of the following is an example of a natural hazard of the type and magnitude of those referred to in the article? 1)an automobile accident 2) a rain shower 3)a volcanic eruption 4) a falling tree limb

5)a fire in a restaurant
please help meeeee

We don't know what the article says.

i just put the number you can see it. like

number one is ( an automobile accident,number two is( a rain shower)
number three is( a volcanic eruption) number four is(a falling tree limb) number five is( a fire in a restaurant) please help me

Which are natural occurrences? Which is the most destructive to people?

To determine which of the options is an example of a natural hazard of the type and magnitude referred to in the article, we need to analyze the characteristics of each option.

1) An automobile accident: This is not considered a natural hazard because it is caused by human activities rather than natural forces.

2) A rain shower: Although rain showers can be a natural occurrence, they are typically not considered hazards unless they reach extreme magnitudes, such as a severe storm or hurricane.

3) A volcanic eruption: This option is a prime example of a natural hazard. Volcanic eruptions are natural events that can have significant destructive impacts on the surroundings.

4) A falling tree limb: While this can potentially cause accidents or damage, it is not classified as a natural hazard since it is an isolated incident rather than a widespread event caused by natural forces.

5) A fire in a restaurant: Fires can occur naturally, such as during a wildfire, but when confined to a specific building like a restaurant, it is not typically considered a natural hazard.

Based on the given options, the example of a natural hazard of the type and magnitude referred to in the article is option 3) a volcanic eruption.