Possible choices using the multiplicacion principle:

Choose a t-shirt, a button down shirt, or a sweather, jeans or khakis, and either a red coat or a blue coat.

To determine the possible choices using the multiplication principle, we need to multiply the number of options for each item together.

Let's break it down:

- For the type of shirt, you have 3 choices: t-shirt, button-down shirt, or sweater.
- For the type of pants, you have 2 choices: jeans or khakis.
- For the color of the coat, you have 2 choices: red or blue.

To find the total number of possible choices, multiply the number of options for each item:

3 (shirt choices) x 2 (pant choices) x 2 (coat choices) = 12

Therefore, there are 12 possible combinations of choices that you can make when selecting a shirt, pants, and coat.

Here's a breakdown of all the possible combinations:

1. T-shirt, jeans, red coat
2. T-shirt, jeans, blue coat
3. T-shirt, khakis, red coat
4. T-shirt, khakis, blue coat
5. Button-down shirt, jeans, red coat
6. Button-down shirt, jeans, blue coat
7. Button-down shirt, khakis, red coat
8. Button-down shirt, khakis, blue coat
9. Sweater, jeans, red coat
10. Sweater, jeans, blue coat
11. Sweater, khakis, red coat
12. Sweater, khakis, blue coat

These are all the possible choices you can make using the multiplication principle.