A scale model of a building is 8 in. By 12 in . If the scale is 1 in. = 15 ft, what are the dimensions of a actual building ?

8 * 15 = ______ feet

12 * 15 = ______ feet


To find the dimensions of the actual building, we can set up a proportion using the scale of the model.

Let's let the dimensions of the actual building be x feet (length) and y feet (width).

Using the given scale, we know that 1 inch on the model represents 15 feet in reality. Therefore, the length of the model, 8 inches, represents 8 * 15 = 120 feet in reality.

Similarly, the width of the model, 12 inches, represents 12 * 15 = 180 feet in reality.

Setting up our proportion:

8 inches / 120 feet = 12 inches / 180 feet

Now, we can cross-multiply and solve for x and y:

8 * 180 = 120 * 12

1440 = 1440

This equation is true, which means the proportion is balanced. Therefore, the dimensions of the actual building are x = 120 feet (length) and y = 180 feet (width).