Electrical energy can come rom 3 types of energy: __________, __________, and __________.

heat, nuclear, solar energy (sunlight)_

Thankz! :)

You're welcome! I see that there is only one blank remaining in your question. The three types of energy that can be converted into electrical energy are heat, nuclear, and solar energy (sunlight).

To find this answer, you can start by understanding the different forms of energy and their potential to generate electricity. Heat energy can be converted into electrical energy through devices like thermal power plants, where the heat generated from burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil, or natural gas is used to boil water and produce steam to turn turbines connected to generators.
Nuclear energy can also produce electricity using nuclear reactors. In nuclear power plants, nuclear fission reactions release a significant amount of heat, which is harnessed to generate steam and produce electricity.
Lastly, solar energy, which comes from the sun, can be converted into electricity using photovoltaic (PV) cells. These cells contain semiconductors that absorb sunlight, causing electrons to move and generate an electric current.
By understanding the different energy sources and their conversion processes, you can determine the three types of energy that can be converted into electrical energy: heat, nuclear, and solar energy.