a wheel makes 4 7/12 revolutions per minute if it rotates for 39 minutes

how many revolutions will it make in 39 minutes

Multiply 39 by 4 7/12

a wheel makes 8 2/3 revolutions per minute if it rotates for 51 minutes

how many revolutions will it make in 51 minutes

To find the number of revolutions the wheel will make in 39 minutes, you need to multiply its rate of revolution by the given duration.

The rate of revolution is given as 4 7/12 revolutions per minute.

To convert the mixed number 4 7/12 to an improper fraction, multiply the whole number (4) by the denominator (12), and add the numerator (7). Then use the resulting numerator (55) over the denominator (12).

Now, multiply the rate of revolution (55/12 revolutions per minute) by the duration (39 minutes):

(55/12) x 39 = (55 x 39) / 12 = 2145/12

Therefore, the wheel will make 2145/12 revolutions in 39 minutes. This can be simplified further if needed.