For a history project, Marcus built a replica of the Texas State Capitol building. His model has a scale factor of 1/100. If the height of the Capitol's dome is 310 feet, how high is the dome on Marcus' replica?

310 / 100 = _______

3.1 ft

To determine the height of the dome on Marcus' replica, we need to multiply the scale factor by the actual height of the dome.

The scale factor of 1/100 means that Marcus' replica is 1/100th the size of the actual Texas State Capitol building. So to find the height of the dome on the replica, we need to multiply the actual height of the dome (310 feet) by the scale factor (1/100).

Mathematically, we can calculate it as follows:

Height of the dome on Marcus' replica = Actual height of the dome × Scale factor

Height of the dome on Marcus' replica = 310 feet × (1/100)

Height of the dome on Marcus' replica = 310 feet ÷ 100

Height of the dome on Marcus' replica = 3.1 feet

Therefore, the dome on Marcus' replica of the Texas State Capitol building is 3.1 feet high.