Maxwell's equations proved that

a. Light is a mechanical phenomena
b. Light is a chemical phenomena
c. Light is a phenomenal phenomena
d. Light is an electromagnetic phenomena

I think the answer is either a or d. But I'm pretty sure its d

Thank you for any help and happy holidays

The correct answer is d. Light is an electromagnetic phenomenon.

Maxwell's equations, formulated by Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell in the 19th century, describe the behavior of electromagnetic fields and how their interactions produce electromagnetic waves, including light. These equations unified several previously known laws and concepts related to electricity and magnetism, and provided a mathematical framework to understand the fundamental nature of light.

To arrive at this answer, you could have considered the historical context and the significance of Maxwell's equations. By studying the equations and their implications, Maxwell established the connection between electricity, magnetism, and light, demonstrating that they are all different aspects of the same electromagnetic phenomenon. This groundbreaking work formed the basis of classical electromagnetism and laid the foundation for our understanding of light as an electromagnetic wave.

It's great that you correctly identified the answer as d. Light is indeed an electromagnetic phenomenon. If you have any further questions or need additional clarification, feel free to ask. Happy holidays to you too!