I have the answers... will you tell me if they're right??

Choose the correct form of the possessive adjective. Modelo: amigos (mi or mis) - mis - amigos is plural

b. sus

2. Casas
b. nuestra

3. Cena
a. sus

4. Sombrero
b. tus

5. Guantes
b. tu

6. Revistas
a. su

7. Examen
b. nuestros

8. clases
a. mi
b. mis

I was unsure how to do this part... I still put the answers. Will you correct them if they are wrong and explain to me how to do it right? Thanks!
Son las tijeras de nosotros. Son____________ tijeras.Son los gatos de la Sra. Barbosa.---- NOSOTROS
Son____________ gatos.Es el televisor de Pilar. ---- NOSOTROS
Es____________ televisor.Son los libros de nosotras. ----SU
Son__________ libros. ---- SUS

1. En nuestra casa, mi hermana y yo preparamos la comida los fines de semana y _____ padres la preparan durante la semana.--- NUESTROS
2. Tiene que preparar mucha comida porque tengo cinco hermanos y mis hermanos pueden comerse un millón de enchiladas. ¡____familia es muy grande! SUS
3. ¿Tus padres saben cocinar algo especial? Sí, ____ padre sabe preparar unas enchiladas fenomenales. TU
4. La mamá de Raúl prepara unas comidas muy sabrosas, ¿no? Sí, me encanta _____ tortilla española. MI
5. Las botas de Luisa son bonitas, ¿no? Sí, ____ botas son muy elegantes. MIS
6. ¿Tus padres saben cocinar algo especial? Sí, mi padre sabe preparar unas enchiladas fenomenales, pero siempre tiene que preparar muchas porque tengo cinco hermanos y ____ hermanos pueden comerse un millón de enchiladas. SU

I'll send this to our Spanish expert, SraJMcGin.

thank you!!

Assuming, in the first part, that you were capitalizing the correct answer, don't forget the last one = MIS

In the 2nd part you are looking at prepositional pronouns, BUT you still need the possessive adjective that you were using in the first part.

mi/mis, tu/tus, su/sus, nuestro, -a, -os, -as, vuestro, -a, -os, -as, su/sus

If what you have above the numbers are examples, they are incorrect.

de nosotros = nuestras tijeras. The noun "tijeras" is feminine plural so the possessive adjective must be also.

Sorry, but you'll have to explain or correct that part with: Son____________ gatos.Es el televisor de Pilar. ---- NOSOTROS
Es____________ televisor

Now for the numbered ones: 1. is OK but 2 = Mi
3. mi
4. su
5. sus
6. mis

Here's the problem. How many people are talking? Is one person saying all this or is a second person responding to the first comment or question?

ESSENTIAL: Give me ALL the examples and/or directions BEFORE you tell me what you are to do.


I gave you everything my teacher gave me... Maybe that's why I'm so confused? Thank you for all your help though! It means a lot. I appriciate it!

Let's go through the answers and explanations for each question:

1. Libro - B. sus - Since "libro" is singular, we use the possessive adjective "sus."

2. Casas - A. NUESTRAS - Since "casas" is plural and we are talking about "our houses," we use the possessive adjective "nuestras."

3. Cena - B. SU - Since "cena" is singular, we use the possessive adjective "su."

4. Sombrero - B. tus - Since "sombrero" is singular and we are talking about "your hats," we use the possessive adjective "tus."

5. Guantes - A. TUS - Since "guantes" is plural, we use the possessive adjective "tus."

6. Revistas - B. SUS - Since "revistas" is plural, we use the possessive adjective "sus."

7. Examen - A. NUESTRO - Since "examen" is singular and we are talking about "our exams," we use the possessive adjective "nuestro."

8. Clases - B. mis - Since "clases" is plural, we use the possessive adjective "mis."

For the sentence completion exercise:

1. Son las tijeras de nosotros. Son NUESTRAS tijeras. - Since "tijeras" is plural and belongs to "nosotros," we use the possessive adjective "nuestras."

2. Son los gatos de la Sra. Barbosa. Son SUS gatos. - Since "gatos" is plural and belongs to "la Sra. Barbosa," we use the possessive adjective "sus."

3. Es el televisor de Pilar. Es SU televisor. - Since "televisor" is singular and belongs to "Pilar," we use the possessive adjective "su."

4. Son los libros de nosotras. Son SUS libros. - Since "libros" is plural and belongs to "nosotras," we use the possessive adjective "sus."

1. En nuestra casa, mi hermana y yo preparamos la comida los fines de semana y NUESTROS padres la preparan durante la semana. - Since "padres" is plural and belongs to "nosotros," we use the possessive adjective "nuestros."

2. Tiene que preparar mucha comida porque tengo cinco hermanos y mis hermanos pueden comerse un millón de enchiladas. ¡NUESTRA familia es muy grande! - Since "familia" is singular and belongs to "nosotros," we use the possessive adjective "nuestra."

3. ¿Tus padres saben cocinar algo especial? Sí, TU padre sabe preparar unas enchiladas fenomenales. - Since "padre" is singular and belongs to "tú," we use the possessive adjective "tu."

4. La mamá de Raúl prepara unas comidas muy sabrosas, ¿no? Sí, me encanta MI tortilla española. - Since "tortilla" is singular and belongs to "yo," we use the possessive adjective "mi."

5. Las botas de Luisa son bonitas, ¿no? Sí, SUS botas son muy elegantes. - Since "botas" is plural and belongs to "Luisa," we use the possessive adjective "sus."

6. ¿Tus padres saben cocinar algo especial? Sí, mi padre sabe preparar unas enchiladas fenomenales, pero siempre tiene que preparar muchas porque tengo cinco hermanos y SUS hermanos pueden comerse un millón de enchiladas. - Since "hermanos" is plural and belongs to "tus," we use the possessive adjective "sus."

Overall, your answers are correct. Well done!