since mass and radius don't matter. Shouldnt the final velocities of a cylinder and a sphere at the bottom of the ramp be the same?

No. You have to consider where the mass is. Calculate moment of inertia. See the problem you asked below.

items dropped at different heights,do they hit ground at the same time.

No, items dropped from different heights do not hit the ground at the same time. The time it takes for an object to fall to the ground is determined by the height from which it is dropped and the acceleration due to gravity. In a vacuum, where air resistance is negligible, all objects, regardless of their mass or shape, would fall at the same rate, which is approximately 9.8 meters per second squared.

However, in real-world conditions where there is air resistance, the speed and acceleration of the falling object can be affected. The shape and size of the object can impact the amount of air resistance it experiences.

For example, a feather and a coin dropped from the same height will not hit the ground at the same time because the feather experiences a lot more air resistance compared to the coin due to its shape and surface area. This air resistance slows down the feather's fall, causing it to take longer to reach the ground compared to the coin.

In conclusion, while all objects would fall at the same rate in a vacuum, factors like air resistance can influence the time it takes for objects to hit the ground when dropped from different heights.