How long would a short essay be?

There is no hard and fast rule. It depends upon the type of essaY.

If your teacher assigned you to write an essay, he or she should have specified a mininum length.

The length of an essay should be long enough to demonstrate the point you are trying to make.

A short essay typically consists of approximately 500 words. However, it's important to note that the actual length may vary depending on the specific requirements of your assignment or the guidelines provided by your instructor. To determine the expected length of a short essay, always refer to the instructions and guidelines given to you. In many cases, instructors may provide a word count limit or specify the number of paragraphs expected in the essay. It is important to adhere to these guidelines to ensure you meet the expectations for length and content. If no specific word count is specified, a safe range for a short essay is typically between 400 to 600 words.