12. The young girl was not pressured by what (other children said.)

noun clause
adverbial clause
misplaced modifier
adjectival clause

please help me

I believe the whole clause is what other people said.

That makes it a noun clause, the object of the preposition by.

Ok. Thank You Ms. SUe

You're welcome.

In this sentence, the phrase "by what other children said" is functioning as a noun clause.

To determine this, we need to understand the function of the phrase in the sentence. In this case, it is acting as the object of the preposition "by." The question "by what?" can be answered with "by what other children said," indicating that it is functioning as a noun clause.

A noun clause is a group of words acting as a noun within a sentence. It can serve various grammatical functions, such as the subject, object, or complement of a sentence. In this case, the noun clause "what other children said" is the object of the preposition "by."

By recognizing the function of the phrase and understanding the definition of a noun clause, you can correctly identify that the phrase "by what other children said" is a noun clause.