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(x+4)(3x^2-11x+6) You need to factorise 3x^2-11x+6 .Sum of the numbers should be equal to -11x and product should be equal to 18x^2.It is -9x and -2x


To factorize the given expression (x+4)(3x^2-11x+6), we can use the distributive property of multiplication over addition.

Step 1: Multiply the first terms in each bracket: x * 3x^2 = 3x^3.
Step 2: Multiply the first term in the first bracket by the second term in the second bracket: x * (-11x) = -11x^2.
Step 3: Multiply the first term in the first bracket by the last term in the second bracket: x * 6 = 6x.
Step 4: Multiply the second term in the first bracket by the first term in the second bracket: 4 * 3x^2 = 12x^2.
Step 5: Multiply the second terms in each bracket: 4 * (-11x) = -44x.
Step 6: Multiply the second terms in each bracket: 4 * 6 = 24.

Now, let's combine like terms to simplify the expression:

3x^3 - 11x^2 + 6x + 12x^2 - 44x + 24

Next, simplify further:

3x^3 + (12x^2 - 11x^2) + (6x - 44x) + 24

Combine like terms:

3x^3 + x^2 - 38x + 24

Therefore, the factored form of (x+4)(3x^2-11x+6) is 3x^3 + x^2 - 38x + 24.

Sure! To factorize the expression (x+4)(3x^2-11x+6), we can use the distributive property of multiplication over addition.

First, let's factorize the quadratic expression 3x^2-11x+6. We can do this by finding two binomials whose product equals this expression.

One way to factorize the quadratic expression is to look for two numbers that multiply together to give us the product of the coefficient of x^2 term (3) and the constant term (6). In this case, those numbers are 3 and 2, because 3 * 2 = 6.

Next, we look for two numbers that add up to the coefficient of x term (-11). In this case, -9 and -2 are the numbers we need, because -9 + (-2) = -11.

So, we can write the quadratic expression as (x - 2)(3x - 3):

3x^2 - 11x + 6 = (x - 2)(3x - 3)

Now, let's substitute this factorization back into the original expression:

(x + 4)(x - 2)(3x - 3)

And that's our final factorization of the expression (x+4)(3x^2-11x+6).