When researching for supporting materials about the impact of violence in the media, it is a good idea to get assistance from this resource.

A. Television

B. Call-in radio

C. Librarian

D. Personal interview

Who in this list is a good RESEARCHER??


The correct answer is C. Librarian.

When researching for supporting materials about the impact of violence in the media, it is always a good idea to consult a librarian. Librarians are trained information professionals who can help you find credible and reliable sources of information. They are knowledgeable about various resources, including books, journals, databases, and academic sources, which can provide in-depth and evidence-based information on the topic you're researching.

You can approach a librarian at your local library or academic library and explain your research topic or question to them. They will be able to guide you in locating relevant books, articles, or other resources that discuss the impact of violence in the media. Additionally, they can help you navigate through online databases and provide tips on effective search strategies to find the most appropriate and recent information.

Remember to provide the librarian with specific details about your research needs, such as the level of depth required, any specific aspects you want to focus on, or any keywords that might be helpful in your search. This way, the librarian can provide tailored assistance and ensure that you find the most relevant and reliable sources for your research.