What is the climax of "The Bass, the River, and Sheila Mant?"

I always call it "the point of no return". The time in the story when there can be no other possible ending.
Below is a site which will explain


The site below is one student's opinion of the structure of this story.


when you have subject verb agreement, do you always follow the rule?

No its to confusing

The climax of a story is the highest point of tension or the most intense moment in the plot. To determine the climax of "The Bass, the River, and Sheila Mant," you can follow these steps:

1. Read or review the story to understand the main events and conflicts leading up to the climax.
2. Identify the key turning point or the moment where the main character faces a major decision or conflict.
3. Consider which event or scene creates the most intense emotions or has the greatest impact on the story's outcome.
4. Compare the potential turning points with each other to determine which one is the climax.

However, I can provide you with a summary of the story and an analysis of the potential climax.

"The Bass, the River, and Sheila Mant" is a short story by W.D. Wetherell. It revolves around a young boy who is infatuated with his neighbor, Sheila Mant, and spends the summer trying to impress her. The boy is an avid fisherman and is excited about taking Sheila on a boat ride to go bass fishing.

Throughout the story, the boy is torn between his love for fishing and his desire to please Sheila. As the boy navigates the river with Sheila, he catches a sizable bass. However, he finds himself faced with a difficult choice: either impress Sheila by showing her the bass or release it and maintain his reputation as a dedicated fisherman.

The climax of the story occurs when the boy decides to cut the fishing line and let the bass go. This decision symbolizes his choice to prioritize his feelings for Sheila over his passion for fishing. It is a turning point in the story where the boy realizes the importance of human connection over his hobbies.

To deepen your understanding of the story and its climax, I recommend visiting the websites you mentioned. Those sites provide analysis and opinions on the story's structure, which can offer different perspectives on the climax and its significance.