a train leaves kanyakumari for warengel on tuesday at 10:30 a.m if warengel 1586 km from kanyakuri when will it reach there if its speed is 39 km/h.

Distance is equal to rate times time

Therefore time is equal to distance divided by rate.

1586/39= 40 2/3 hours

That means it takes 40 2/3 hours to go 1586 km when you are going 39 km per hour

So if you start at 10:30 and go for 40 and 2/3 hours, which is 40 hours and 40 mins
Start with the 40 mins that would take you to 11:10am
Now 40 hours is 4 hours less than 48 hours which is 2 days... So you are 4 hours short of 11:10am on Thursday ....so I get 6:10am

Looks like we both blew it.

I should have measured from midnight on Tue, making the time Thur at 3:10

Mac should have subtracted 40 from 48 and gotten 8 hours less than 2 days, making the time Thur at 3:10

To find out when the train will reach Warengel from Kanyakumari, we need to calculate the time it will take the train to travel the given distance at its speed.

The speed of the train is given as 39 km/h, which means it can travel 39 kilometers in 1 hour.

The distance between Kanyakumari and Warengel is given as 1586 km.

To calculate the time it will take, we can use the formula:

Time = Distance / Speed

Substituting the given values:

Time = 1586 km / 39 km/h

Dividing 1586 by 39:

Time ≈ 40.615 hours

However, our answer needs to be in terms of days and hours, as the question asks when it will reach Warengel.

Since there are 24 hours in a day, we can divide the total time by 24 to get the number of days:

40.615 hours ÷ 24 hours/day ≈ 1.692 days

This means it will take approximately 1 day and 16.92 hours for the train to reach Warengel from Kanyakumari.

To determine the specific day and time, we can add this duration to the starting time of the train.

Starting from Tuesday at 10:30 a.m., adding 1 day gives us Wednesday at 10:30 a.m.

Adding 16.92 hours to this, we get:

10:30 a.m. + 16 hours + 0.92 hours ≈ 3:30 a.m.

Therefore, the train will reach Warengel on Wednesday at approximately 3:30 a.m.

1586/39 = 40 2/3 hrs = 40 hrs 40 min

arrive 10:30 + 40:40 = 50:70 = 2d+ 3:10
so on Thur at 1:40 pm

I didn't understand after this,, plse help me to understand

arrive 10:30 + 40:40 = 50:70 = 2d+ 3:10
so on Thur at 1:40 pm