draw the shape of an ice-cream cone wrapper when it is slit from the edge to the center point and flattened out

To draw the shape of an ice-cream cone wrapper when it is slit from the edge to the center point and flattened out, you would follow these steps:

1. Start with a sketch of a cone shape, resembling an ice cream cone.
2. Draw a straight line from the bottom edge of the cone to the top point of the cone, representing the slit.
3. Cut along the line, starting from the bottom edge and going towards the center point. This represents the cone being slit from the edge to the center.
4. Once you have cut along the line, imagine opening up the cone along the slit and flattening it out.
5. The resulting shape would resemble a sector of a circle, but with a slightly curved edge due to the shape of the cone.
6. On one side, you would see a straight edge (representing the cone's slitted side) and on the other side, you would see the curved edge (representing the original shape of the cone's circumference).

Remember, it's always helpful to have a reference image or a physical ice cream cone wrapper to better understand the specific shape you are looking to draw.

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