This summer, local children can sigh up for art class or music lessons for a confiscate fee of $3. It's impossible to take both, though, since the classes will be recession

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To calculate the total cost of signing up for art class or music lessons, you need to determine the cost of each individual class separately and then choose one of the two options.

In this case, the cost of each class is $3.

To find the total cost of signing up for art class, you multiply the cost of art class ($3) by the number of art classes you want to take.

Similarly, to determine the total cost of music lessons, you multiply the cost of music lessons ($3) by the number of music lessons you want to take.

Since you cannot take both classes at the same time this summer, you have to make a choice between art class or music lessons.

So, to calculate the total cost for either art class or music lessons, you multiply $3 by the number of classes or lessons you want to take.