In Weeks 9 and 10, you will develop an essay using definition as the rhetorical strategy.

This week, you will develop an introductory paragraph for your definition essay, including a thesis statement. To complete this assignment:

Choose a term related to your field of study. Here are some examples to get you started:
Business - management, accountability, cost-benefit, cash flow.

Please re-read what you posted.

Do you understand why ONLY YOU can write this?

Here are some good websites for writing introductions and thesis statements:

To choose a term related to your field of study, begin by brainstorming concepts that are commonly used or widely discussed in your field. Think about key concepts or ideas that are foundational to your field and have specific meanings or interpretations within that context. For example, if you are studying business, you could consider terms such as "entrepreneurship," "market analysis," "financial planning," or "strategic management."

Once you have chosen a term, it is crucial to define it clearly in your introductory paragraph. Your definition should provide a concise and accurate understanding of the term. Consider the following approach when crafting your introductory paragraph:

1. Start with an attention-grabbing opening sentence or hook that relates to the term you have chosen. This could be a thought-provoking question, a surprising fact, or an anecdote.

2. Provide a brief explanation of why the term you have chosen is significant to your field of study. Explain the relevance or importance of understanding this term in the context of your profession or academic discipline.

3. Present a clear thesis statement that outlines the purpose of your definition essay and your specific stance on the chosen term. This thesis statement should provide a roadmap for the essay and indicate how you will develop your definition throughout the body paragraphs.

Remember, the goal of a definition essay is not just to provide a dictionary definition of a term, but to explore its nuanced meanings and implications within your field of study. Make sure to incorporate examples, illustrations, and relevant research to enhance your definition and support your thesis.

As you develop your introductory paragraph and thesis statement, ensure that your language is clear, concise, and engaging. Consider the target audience for your essay and adapt your tone and terminology accordingly.

Once you have completed your introductory paragraph and thesis statement, you can then move on to developing the body paragraphs of your essay, where you will provide a comprehensive and detailed analysis of the chosen term.