in pea plants yellow peas are dominant over green peas. a particular pea plant has one recessive allele for green peas. in which of the following scenarios would the plant have green peas?

You didn't give me the scenarios, but I'm assuming that you want the other variable? Since yellow is dominant, the only way to get green is to have two recessive's.

To determine in which scenario the pea plant would have green peas, we need to consider the specific genotypes involved in each scenario. In this case, we know that yellow peas are dominant over green peas, and the plant has one recessive allele for green peas. Let's analyze the given scenarios:

Scenario 1: The plant receives a yellow pea allele from one parent and a yellow pea allele from the other parent.
- In this scenario, since yellow peas are dominant over green peas, the plant would have yellow peas. Therefore, the plant would not have green peas in this scenario.

Scenario 2: The plant receives a yellow pea allele from one parent and a green pea allele from the other parent.
- In this scenario, the plant has one recessive allele for green peas, which means it would exhibit the recessive phenotype and have green peas. Thus, the plant would have green peas in this scenario.

Scenario 3: The plant receives a green pea allele from one parent and a green pea allele from the other parent.
- In this scenario, both alleles received by the plant are for green peas. Therefore, the plant would have green peas in this scenario.

From the analysis above, we can conclude that the plant would have green peas in both Scenario 2 and Scenario 3.