Spanish ?? Mandatos informales .

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1) Choose the correct informal command for the following verb
(Ayudar) ___________ a tu hermano

A. Ayudas

B. Ayudes

C. Ayuda

D. Ayude

E. Ayudó

F. Ayudaba

2) Choose the correct informal command for the following verb (beber) No __________ alcohol

A. bebas

B. beba

C. bebes

D. bebe

E. bebía

F. bebió

3) Choose the correct informal command for the following verbs
(Abrir) _________ la ventana, por favor.
A. Abra

B. Abras

C. Abre

D. Abres

E. Abriste

F. Abrías

4) Chose the correct informal command for the following verb (Llorar) Por favor, no ____________

A. lloraste

B. llorabas

C. lloras

D. llores

E. llora

F. llore

5) Chose the correct informal command for the following verb
Juan, (venir) ___________ rápido!

A. vienes

B. viniste

C. vendrás

D. vendrías

E. ven

F. venga

6) Chose the correct informal command for the following verb
(cocinar) _____________ la cena.

A. Cocines

B. Cocinas

C. Cocina

D. Cocine

E. cocinemos

F. cocinen

7) Chose the correct informal command for the following verbs
(Jugar) __________ con tu hermanito.

A. jugaste

B. jugaba

C. Jugarás

D. juega

E. Juegas

F. Juegues

8) Chose the correct informal command for the following verbs
No (patinar) ______________ en la calle.

A. patinas

B. patina

C. patine

D. patines

E. patinabas

F. patinaste

9) Chose the correct informal command for the following verb (Decir) ______________ cuántos años tienes.

A. Dices

B. Dijiste

C. Dirás

D. Di

E. Digas

10) Chose the correct informal command for the following verb (Correr) No __________ dentro de la casa

A. correrás

B. corriste

C. corrías

D. corres

E. corras

F. corra

1- ayuda
2- bebas
3- abre
4- llores
5- ven
6- cocina
7- juega
8- patines
9- dí
10- corras

To determine the correct informal command for each verb, we need to understand the rules for forming informal commands in Spanish.

1) (Ayudar) - The correct informal command for "ayudar" is "ayuda." To form the informal command, we change the verb ending to "-a" for regular "-ar" verbs.

2) (Beber) - The correct informal command for "beber" is "bebas." Again, we change the verb ending to "-as" for regular "-er" verbs.

3) (Abrir) - The correct informal command for "abrir" is "abre." We change the verb ending to "-e" for regular "-ir" verbs.

4) (Llorar) - The correct informal command for "llorar" is "llores." We change the verb ending to "-es" for regular "-ar" verbs.

5) (Venir) - The correct informal command for "venir" is "ven." We use the second person singular form of the verb without any changes.

6) (Cocinar) - The correct informal command for "cocinar" is "cocina." We use the second person singular form of the verb without any changes.

7) (Jugar) - The correct informal command for "jugar" is "juega." We use the second person singular form of the verb without any changes.

8) (Patinar) - The correct informal command for "patinar" is "patines." We change the verb ending to "-es" for regular "-ar" verbs.

9) (Decir) - The correct informal command for "decir" is "di." We use the second person singular form of the verb without any changes.

10) (Correr) - The correct informal command for "correr" is "corras." We change the verb ending to "-as" for regular "-er" verbs.

By following these rules, we can determine the correct informal commands for each verb:

1) Ayudar - Ayuda (C)
2) Beber - Bebas (A)
3) Abrir - Abre (C)
4) Llorar - Llores (D)
5) Venir - Ven (E)
6) Cocinar - Cocina (C)
7) Jugar - Juega (D)
8) Patinar - Patines (D)
9) Decir - Di (D)
10) Correr - Corras (F)